Whisky ligger som brukligt
är på kennel Thorsvi, till grund för valparnas namn.
Tidigare har det varit skotska malt whisky destillerier
(med två undantag: Single Malt och Mackmyra), men denna
gång ville vi vara lite ”roligare”. Eftersom både pappa
Will och mamma Kiwi har ordet Black (Blackbill resp
Blackwood) i sina namn så tänkte vi att valparna får
heta detta också, men med whiskyanknytning förstås.
Det visade sig finnas många att välja på! Black i
whiskysammanhang innebär oftast att den är rökig eller

Black Nikka är en japansk whisky och finns som både
single malt och blended.
Tillverkas på Yoichi Distillery i staden med samma namn
på ön Hokkaido.
Systemet har två varianter av single malten, en i
normalsortimentet och en i beställningssortimentet. En
blended med samma namn kan köpas i olika webbutiker.
http://www.nikkawhisky.eu/en/home.html eller
Masataka Taketsuru, seen as the father of Japanese
whisky, was born in 1894 into a family that had been
sake producers since 1733.
After training as a chemist, he was hired by an
Osaka-based company, Settsu Shuzo, which was planning to
produce a Japanese whisky. The young Taketsuru was
therefore sent to Scotland in 1919 in order to acquire
the necessary technical knowledge and a minimum of
experience. He studied at Glasgow University, also
learning about the art of blending and distilling. He
quickly became passionate about this Celtic spirit, and
decided to devote his life to it. His dream was to
create a malt distillery in Japan.
When he returned to Japan in 1920, he realised that the
project for which he had been recruited was not going to
see the light of day. And, following the 1922 stock
market crash, he lost his job. A year later, he joined
the Kotobukiya group, for which he built a distillery
close to Kyoto. This is how he became the father of the
very first Japanese whisky in 1924.
In 1934, he decided to strike out on his own. Masataka
Taketsuru remembered from his experience in Scotland
that the environment was essential for producing a
quality whisky.
He was a visionary who created the company Nippo Kaju
and undertook the construction of the Yoichi distillery
on Hokkaido. In 1939, he began his first blends. War
broke out, but this did not stop him from bringing out
his first bottle in 1940. In 1952, the company
definitively adopted the name Nikka Whisky.
His growing success enabled him to establish a second
distillery in 1969 on the island of Honshu close to the
city of Sendaï.
Masataka Taketsuru died ten years later, aged 85.
Nikka Pure Malt Black (50cl, 43%)
This vatting of malts contains a high percentage of
Yoichi, a peated single malt from teh eponymous
distillery on the island of Hokkaido. This confident
Nikka takes its sweet fruitiness from the Red, and its
peaty notes from the Black pure malt versions.
Dark gold with amber highlights.
Rich and fine, with strong notes of spice (pepper), ripe
fruit (mirabelle and peach), and citrus fruit zest.
Smoke and black chocolate aromas develop.
Lively and very spicy. Ripe fruit (prune) jam.
Liquoricey, with a delicate peaty bitterness gradually
developing. Long, with notes of honey, heather and sweet
spices. There is an agreeable vegetal (chlorophyl)
freshness with cindery notes adding extra length.
Black Nikka 8 years
Black Nikka 12 years (“Bearded Black”)
Topaz colour. Lively at first, then rapidly becoming
milky (sweet almond), before developing along notes of
undergrowth and marron glacé. A refreshing quality
brings to mind a vanilla ice cream.
Heady and rich. If the strength of the palate is a
change from the palate, there is the same autumnal
character. Bitter chocolate and leather notes are also
present. Spices (ginger and coriander) and delicately
salty notes bring length.
Long and creamy. All the elements are in perfect harmony.
The result: an exquisite malty and fruity sweetness
firmly established by 42% of alcohol. Retro-olfaction
reveals more black chocolate.
också i PET-flaska

och på burk …